As a leading publication, AD/Architectural Digest has taken us around the globe and inside homes for many decades. The BMW Group in cooperation with the German AD have created ''AD Essence'', a digital interactive magazine available for iOS and Android devices completely free of charge. Each edition explores a particular concept while examining the world of architecture, art and design through the prism of that thematic concept. During this year's London Design Week they presented their third edition, Bright. (titles of previous issues: Unique and Silence)

Bringing together carefully curated content with an intuitive user experience, its readers have the opportunity to explore the world of art, architecture and design from anywhere they may be. The app itself is simple and beautifully put together whereby content, layout, images, sounds and navigation are all packaged into a simple icon that when pressed, opens up a world of multi-sensorial experiences. In order to navigate it, you must be informed on how the publication functions and its features. AD Essence makes the whole user experience straightforward through introducing the app with a screen of how to instructions and reminders placing all users at the same level, allowing them to feel confident as they move forward. So go ahead and swipe, touch, look, pan, zoom, listen and be amazed at absolutely no cost!

The interactive experience begins with a stunning video introducing the theme of each issue. A modern layout, soothing sounds and amazing images immerse you in the imminent journey ahead. Using horizontal pagination, users move further into deeper content while moving vertically which allows them to read further into the articles; two behaviors which constitute the most important components in taking control of the experience overall. Further features which enhance the user experience include zooming and panning inside a picture frame, modal windows to further explore information about a subject, and an interactive calendar to help users plan their attendance at yearly cultural events.

AD Essence really makes the user engage with the content, not just skim it. 
Download for FREE the latest Bright issue and stay tuned for more!

''AD Essence'' By Architectural Digest

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