Image Courtesy of Johan Lindstén

Image Courtesy of Johan Lindstén

We all do it!  We think of ways to improve our vernacular environment or conceiving a vision that could potentially change the course in history.  Whether it is a vision of a new life or a simple artifact that could enrich our lives first and then others, the mere ignition of that thought can lead us to produce beautiful work. Our fascination can be triggered by a scent, a picture, a quote or in the case of Swedish designer Johan Lindstén, a material, oak wood and the old craft of embroidery.

Image Courtesy of Johan Lindstén

Image Courtesy of Johan Lindstén

I always tell my students to be forever inquisitive;  to look at something and figure out how should it exist in their way. Would the color change, the material, the shape or function?  A simple habit can lead to a world of infinite possibilities. Johan Lindstén's Oak Concept lies in the question, why isn't there any good-looking lamps in wood? A self proposed question that although there might be great examples of it, it allows him to go through the creative process of creating his own interpretation of a good-looking lamp. These simple and honest questions evolved into a beautiful collection of furniture pieces that explore archetypes and material into his contemporary vision. The pieces contain simple lines allowing the wood the be the focus. Joints are seamless and the pieces seem to all emanate for one piece of wood. The finished products take us back to the delicate hands of a craftsman mastering one single material.

Image Courtesy of Johan Lindstén

Image Courtesy of Johan Lindstén

Johan Lindstén's constant battle of integrating old and new allows him to further engage with old crafts and look for ways to make them resurface. His embroidery chairs are a testament of that dialogue. These vignettes of a place rest appropriately on the chair's back rest not only providing an appropriate canvas to display the craft but also a soft material to rest our body. The simple lines and lack of attention the other elements attract, allows the embroidery to take the leading role in these pieces. Craftsmanship, nostalgia, elegant and simple best describes Johan's Lindsten collection.

Image Courtesy of Johan Lindstén

Image Courtesy of Johan Lindstén

His collection was exhibited at Designersblock Milan 2010 in Ventura Lambrate. Johan Lindstén graduated in 2008 as a designer in Stockholm Sweden, were he started an independent design company Johan Lindstén Form.

portait of Johan Lindstén

portait of Johan Lindstén

Oak Concept Collection by Johan Lindstén

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