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Fotografiska Shanghai Transforms a Disused Warehouse into a Vibrant Culture Hub

Fotografiska Shanghai Transforms a Disused Warehouse into a Vibrant Culture Hub

The Enduring Charm of Forte dei Marmi's Iconic Augustus Hotel & Resort

The Enduring Charm of Forte dei Marmi's Iconic Augustus Hotel & Resort

Exploring 3daysofdesign with Signe Byrdal Terenziani: A Director’s Perspective

Exploring 3daysofdesign with Signe Byrdal Terenziani: A Director’s Perspective

Perfumes, Flowers and Art: The Scented Symphony of PHĀON Concept Store in Athens

Perfumes, Flowers and Art: The Scented Symphony of PHĀON Concept Store in Athens

Kissmiklos Transforms a Public Restroom in Budapest into a Neo-Pop Art Gallery

Kissmiklos Transforms a Public Restroom in Budapest into a Neo-Pop Art Gallery


Bartolomeo Pietromarchi


Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, born in Rome in 1968, is a critic and curator of art. From August 2011, he has been the Director of MACRO - Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Roma.



Bartolomeo Pietromarchi

Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, born in Rome in 1968, is a critic and curator of art. From August 2011, he has been the Director of MACRO - Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Roma. From 1998 to 2003 he directed the contemporary art program of the Fondazione Adriano Olivetti of which, from 2003 to 2007, he assumed the role of Director. In 2007 and 2008 he was curator of the Fondazione Hangar Bicocca in Milan and from 2008 to 2011 he was curator of MAXXI, Museo Nazionale della Arti del XXI secolo, where he developed, among others, the 'Premio Italia arte contemporanea' project.

He is author of many essays and publications on art, the most recent of which is 'Italia in opera, La nostra identità attraverso le arti visive', edited by Bollati Boringhieri (2011).


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