Yatzer is always on the lookout for new talents and, why lie, we really feel a big satisfaction when we are the first to present designers that we are sure they will give a lot to talk about in the near future. That is the case of Kevin Krumnikl, one of those rare experiences of love at first sight!Krumnikl creations transmit you a warm feeling of familiarity without being boring and are full of numerous hidden details that make them special. They capture everybody’s attention without being flamboyant and pose an austerity that inspires. They could fit perfectly even in an empty room, taking over all the space around them. Kevin has a professional training as a cabinet maker and this is something of a great importance in his work. He studied at the Academy of design in Stuttgart and in 2008 established his own label. As he points out, the basis of each piece is a clean and simple form which evolves from a precise idea. By bringing together design, craftsmanship and art, he creates individual and sophisticated products that can be tailored to meet any demand, not only as far as form and function are concerned, but also size and material used. Yatzer couldn’t help finding him for an exclusive interview and proudly shares his answers with all of its readers!
Well Kevin, tell us how your close relationship with design begun. Actually it all started with my parents and a close friend of our family. They bought an empty house which had to be restored and completely furnished. As this close friend had and still has one of the best design stores at the area, he was asked to help and it happened that I was around all the time. So probably that’s how it all begun, with the house they bought 20 years ago.
In which way the fact that you are, apart from a designer, also a cabinet maker influences your concept of design? Do you become more pragmatic or, on the contrary, knowing the limits of the material makes you be more creative? I think a little of both. As a cabinet maker you know where your limits are, thing that makes you kind of pragmatic, true, but sometimes there is this idea you defiinitelly want to realise although you know about the limits. And that’s when you start getting creative.
Your creations seem to have been stripped to the essential, almost austere and with no extra ornaments. Is there a philosophy hidden behind them? I wouldn’t say that there is a certain philosophy behind them. To be honest, most of my furniture is made to suit me, since I am a pedant who needs everything cleaned up all time. For me furniture should have just one purpose, which is being practical and not too flashy. Each piece may tell his story but not too aggressively or loudly. Simplicity and purity, maybe that’s how you could explain my philosophy.
The flowertower pieces leave you with the impression that they are a natural continuity of the flowers, like forming part of them. How did you conceive the idea? To tell the truth, I just needed a birthday present for my mom. She loves flowers!
What is the working process that is hidden behind your work? There is no special route. Once I have an idea, I take a pen and start sketching. As soon as I am confident with the result, I start building a model on a scale 1:1 out of cardboard, everything else would be too expensive in the beginning. After that I show it to my girlfriend, family, and other friends; if the feedback is good I make it real. Pretty simple, just like the furniture.
The disKo pieces are so perfect that I think that only someone really passionate about music could conceive them. How did you decide to create them? And, by the way, what kind of music do you listen to? I always wanted to have clean and practical furniture to store my stereo and CD’s but couldn’t find a single one. One day I was so pissed that I decided to do my own and that’s how I came up with DISKO. The only problem about DISKO is that you have to be sure that your stereo will last for a long time because it is a customized creation and no other stereo will fit except you buy the same one again. Nevertheless, I think it’s worth the trouble! Music? I love music and pretty much listen to every kind of it, depending on my mood and the projects I am working on. Actually, most of the time I listen to Jazz and Rock, sometimes to electronic stuff as well.
MODEL: Liquorstore MATERIAL: foam, plastic and wood SIZE: 52x45x13 cm
What inspires you? Do you have any favorite designers? Inspiration is everything to me; there is no special magazine, designer, or blog that inspires me the most. I enjoy walking my dogs and thinking about new stuff. It just comes and I can t really force it.
Is there any specific German influence in your designs? Tidiness and organization
Tell us something about your future projects. There is some furniture that is needed to be planned and a beautiful old house which has to be completely furnished till the end of next year. So this will probably be my biggest project for the near future. Let’s see what else happens, I always try to be open for everything.
more products by Krumnikl's portfolio are posted below //// ENJOY THEM as much as we did!!