ClientEarth outdoor campaign.
Strategy and creative direction by Apropos. Design and art direction by Erica Dorn. Strategy and copywriting by Clare Aitken.

ClientEarth website.
Strategy and creative direction by Apropos. Design and art direction by Erica Dorn. Strategy and copywriting by Clare Aitken.

ClientEarth website.
Strategy and creative direction by Apropos. Design and art direction by Erica Dorn. Strategy and copywriting by Clare Aitken.

ClientEarth digital campaign.
Strategy and creative direction by Apropos. Design and art direction by Erica Dorn. Strategy and copywriting by Clare Aitken.
Varying in scope and topic, ClientEarth’s wide-ranging projects reflect the complexity of the threats facing the environment and our wellbeing. From disputing the decision of a Polish state-owned forestry company to restart commercial logging in one of Europe’s most precious untouched habitats, to ensuring the UK abides by its targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and from legally challenging the German Federal Government over its continued failures to clean up dangerous air pollution, to pushing for the ban of single-use plastics, the organization tackles both local and global issues by harnessing the power of the law.
Although ClientEarth is a Europe-based organization, its advocacy extends far beyond the continent’s borders, supporting legal professionals and civil society in Central and West Africa in their effort to enforce their country’s forest laws, acting on behalf of climate-hit indigenous Australians, and helping the Chinese government to draft and implement environmental laws and regulations – ClientEarth was the first European environmental NGO to be formally registered in China in 2017 – to name just a few examples.
From a new logo, stationery and website, to new outdoor and digital campaigns, ClientEarth’s bold rebranding reflects its visionary mission but as importantly projects a contemporary, dynamic and relatable identity that cuts through the noise. While the trimmed, orb-like logo embraces an elegant simplicity that’s perfect for the information age, the combination of custom-made, nature-inspired gradients and a clear-cut typeface imbues both the NGO’s print and digital assets with a dreamy yet forthright, modern sensibility that demands your attention.

ClientEarth printed reports.
Strategy and creative direction by Apropos. Design and art direction by Erica Dorn. Strategy and copywriting by Clare Aitken.

ClientEarth printed reports.
Strategy and creative direction by Apropos. Design and art direction by Erica Dorn. Strategy and copywriting by Clare Aitken.

ClientEarth stationery.
Strategy and creative direction by Apropos. Design and art direction by Erica Dorn. Strategy and copywriting by Clare Aitken.

ClientEarth posters.
Strategy and creative direction by Apropos. Design and art direction by Erica Dorn. Strategy and copywriting by Clare Aitken.
The new graphic identity is complemented by evocative photography that eschews the typical animal and nature iconography, focusing instead on people in order to demonstrate how climate change is above all threatening our very own existence as well as create emotional connections with public. Photography is also the principal medium behind the new campaign that attempts to communicate ClientEarth’s ambitious mission by focusing on four key issues: the shift from coal use, new policies reducing car pollution in cities, a rethink of international markets and finally the importance that concerned citizens be heard and represented at a government level.
Featuring outdoor posters and social media ads which were produced on zero carbon emissions using stock footage, the campaign juxtaposes two photographs along with clever catchphrases that emphatically demonstrate the possibility of change, urging us to be part of the solution. As Apropos explain, “the campaign wants to empower people and showcase that change is not only possible but already proven to work using our laws”. Generously donating their time and expertise, the agency has created a strong brand identity that will not only help ClientEath effectively communicate who the organization is and what it stands for, but also compel the public to support its work.

ClientEarth outdoor campaign.
Strategy and creative direction by Apropos. Design and art direction by Erica Dorn. Strategy and copywriting by Clare Aitken.

ClientEarth outdoor campaign.
Strategy and creative direction by Apropos. Design and art direction by Erica Dorn. Strategy and copywriting by Clare Aitken.

ClientEarth outdoor campaign.
Strategy and creative direction by Apropos. Design and art direction by Erica Dorn. Strategy and copywriting by Clare Aitken.